Printable Monticello Park Bird Checklist

320 Beverley Dr.
Alexandria, VA 22305

* Infrequently seen at park — does not have a species account on MPNature

___ Canada Goose*
___ Tundra Swan*
___ Wood Duck
___ Mallard

___ Rock Pigeon*
___ Mourning Dove

___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo
___ Black-billed Cuckoo

___ Common Nighthawk*
___ Eastern Whip-poor-will*

___ Chimney Swift

___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird

___ American Woodcock

___ Ring-billed Gull*
___ Caspian Tern*

___ Common Loon*

___ Double-crested Cormorant*

___ American Bittern*
___ Great Blue Heron*
___ Green Heron*
___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron*
___ Black Vulture
___ Turkey Vulture

___ Osprey
___ Mississippi Kite
___ Sharp-shinned Hawk
___ Cooper's Hawk
___ Bald Eagle
___ Broad-winged Hawk
___ Red-tailed Hawk
___ Red-shouldered Hawk

___ Wild Turkey
___ Chukar*

___ Eastern Screech-Owl
___ Barred Owl
___ Long-eared Owl*

___ Belted Kingfisher*

___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
___ Red-headed Woodpecker
___ Red-bellied Woodpecker
___ Downy Woodpecker
___ Hairy Woodpecker
___ Pileated Woodpecker
___ Northern Flicker

Monticello Park Checklist — Page 2

___ Merlin*

___ Olive-sided Flycatcher
___ Eastern Wood-Pewee
___ Acadian Flycatcher
___ Eastern Phoebe
___ Great Crested Flycatcher
___ Eastern Kingbird

___ White-eyed Vireo
___ Yellow-throated Vireo
___ Blue-headed Vireo
___ Warbling Vireo
___ Philadelphia Vireo
___ Red-eyed Vireo

___ Blue Jay
___ American Crow
___ Fish Crow
___ Common Raven

___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow*
___ Tree Swallow*
___ Barn Swallow*
___ Purple Martin*

___ Carolina Chickadee
___ Tufted Titmouse

___ Red-breasted Nuthatch
___ White-breasted Nuthatch

___ Brown Creeper

___ House Wren
___ Winter Wren
___ Carolina Wren

___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

___ Golden-crowned Kinglet
___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet

___ Eastern Bluebird
___ American Robin
___ Veery
___ Gray-cheeked Thrush
___ Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush
___ Swainson's Thrush
___ Hermit Thrush
___ Wood Thrush

___ Gray Catbird
___ Brown Thrasher
___ Northern Mockingbird

___ European Starling

___ Cedar Waxwing

___ House Finch
___ Purple Finch
___ Pine Siskin*
___ American Goldfinch

___ Chipping Sparrow
___ Field Sparrow
___ Fox Sparrow
___ Dark-eyed Junco
___ White-crowned Sparrow
___ White-throated Sparrow
___ Song Sparrow
___ Lincoln's Sparrow
___ Swamp Sparrow
___ Eastern Towhee

___ Yellow-breasted Chat

___ Orchard Oriole
___ Baltimore Oriole
___ Red-winged Blackbird*
___ Brown-headed Cowbird
___ Rusty Blackbird*
___ Common Grackle

Monticello Park Checklist — Page 3

___ Ovenbird
___ Worm-eating Warbler
___ Louisiana Waterthrush
___ Northern Waterthrush
___ Golden-winged Warbler
___ Blue-winged Warbler
___ Brewster's Warbler (hybrid)
___ Lawrence's Warbler (hybrid)
___ Black-and-white Warbler
___ Prothonotary Warbler
___ Tennessee Warbler
___ Orange-crowned Warbler
___ Nashville Warbler
___ Connecticut Warbler
___ Mourning Warbler
___ Kentucky Warbler
___ Common Yellowthroat
___ Hooded Warbler
___ American Redstart
___ Cape May Warbler
___ Cerulean Warbler
___ Northern Parula
___ Magnolia Warbler
___ Bay-breasted Warbler
___ Blackburnian Warbler
___ Yellow Warbler
___ Chestnut-sided Warbler
___ Blackpoll Warbler
___ Black-throated Blue Warbler
___ Palm Warbler
___ Pine Warbler
___ Yellow-rumped Warbler
___ Yellow-throated Warbler
___ Prairie Warbler
___ Black-throated Green Warbler
___ Canada Warbler
___ Wilson's Warbler

___ Summer Tanager
___ Scarlet Tanager
___ Northern Cardinal
___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
___ Blue Grosbeak
___ Indigo Bunting

___ House Sparrow

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