Bill Young's Videos

Bill Young has made numerous videos about nature. His YouTube channel has had more than 1.1 million views.

Bill has taught classes about warbler identification for the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia. Two classes look at the plumage and behavior of spring warblers. Two classes are about the vocalizations of spring warblers. And one class is about identifying fall warblers. Below are links to video recordings of his class presentations about warblers as well as a video he has made about how to identify Eastern warblers in the spring.

Identifying Eastern Warblers in the Spring
Warbler Plumage and Behavior: Part 1
Warbler Plumage and Behavior: Part 2
Warbler Vocalizations: Part 1
Warbler Vocalizations: Part 2
Fall Warblers

He is currently producing a series of videos about common birds in the Washington, DC, area and the eastern United States. The first one appears below.

Fascinating Birds - Common Birds - Part 1

Below is a list of links to Bill's videos are about birds he has encountered in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. You can see his videos about the nature he has observed in other parts of the world on his YouTube channel.

Wild Turkeys
Female Hooded Warbler
Baby Screech-Owls
Great Horned Owlets
The Monticello Mississippi Kites
The Virginia Prairie Falcon
Osprey Love Nest
Osprey Love Nest 2: Feeding and Fledging
A Snowy Owl Stumped
Snowy Owl Inaction
White-winged Scoter and Redheads at Gravelly Point
Eared Grebe and Horned Grebe on the Potomac River
Stalking Egrets
Logrolling Coots
White-winged Crossbills at the National Arboretum in Washington, DC
Storm Damage at Monticello Park, June 29, 2012
Gleaning with Grackles
Gray Girl