This category contains suggestions about books, apps, and other resources to help visitors enjoy their experiences at Monticello Park and beyond. We hope the knowledge gained about Monticello Park will inspire you to explore and enjoy the nature in other wild areas.
- Digital: Apps & Websites
- Art and Photography
- Arthropods
- Bats
- Bird Behavior and Ornithology
- Birding and Identification
- Birds in Culture
- Birdsong and Other Audio
- Citizen Science
- Climate Breakdown
- Geology
- Insect and Spider Resources
- Mammals
- Organizations
- Resources for Young People
- Travel Resources
- Tree and Plant Resources
- Videos
We encourage people to buy locally whenever possible and to patronize stores that sell resources for nature lovers. The Woodend Nature Shop in Chevy Chase, MD, sells binoculars, telescopes, and other optical equipment, as well as books, birding gear, and other resources to enhance your enjoyment of the natural world.

Woodend Nature Shop
8940 Jones Mill Rd
Chevy Chase, MD