Tree and Plant Resources

Monticello Park has a rich variety of plants and trees. You can learn about the individual species in the Plants Section of MPNature. Here are resources to help you better appreciate the flora in the park. When searching for a species in the databases and publications, you will have better luck if you use the scientific name — a lot species have numerous common names, and the spellings vary.

These publications about trees and plants in our area are available online:

The following websites contain local and regional plant databases for our area. The National Audubon website link shows native plants found in Monticello Park's zip code.

The following websites contain national plant databases and databases from various regions of North America.

Here are books about how to identify trees and plants. Apps are also available to help you identify the plants you see at Monticello Park, which you can find on our page of Digital Resources.

These books contain general information about trees and plants:

These resources aid in learning about botany:

These resources are about other life forms that grow at Monticello Park, including mushrooms: