Canadian Black Snakeroot
Sanicula canadensis
Other Names:
Canada Sanicle, Black Snakeroot
Canadian Black Snakeroot is a native plant found in most of Virginia, occurring in both natural and disturbed habitats. It is found in deciduous woodlands, and can grow to be between one and 4.5 feet tall. It can be a biennial plant, which means it takes two years to flower and go to seed, or a short-lived perennial, which means that it lasts only a few years. The plant spreads by reseeding itself and sometimes forming small colonies. Canadian Black Snakeroot blooms for about 3 weeks between the late spring and mid-summer. The flowers are less conspicuous than on Clustered Black Snakeroot (Sanicula odorata), which also occurs at Monticello Park.
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Illinois Wildflowers Minnesota Wildflowers Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Go Botany
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