Common Chickweed
Stellaria media
Other Names:
Common Starwort, Common Stitchwort, Starweed, Winterweed, Birdweed
Common Chickweed is a widespread non-native annual flowering plant in Virginia and throughout the United States. It is native to Eurasia, and it is now one of the most widespread weeds in the world. It is common in gardens and fields, often growing in disturbed areas. While it attracts a variety of bees and flies, it is capable of self-pollination. The genus name Stellaria comes from the Latin and means "star-like", because of the shape of the flowers. The species name media comes from the Latin word for "middle", because Common Chickweed is an intermediate size between two other species of chickweed. Chickweed seeds are eaten by numerous species of birds, including Mourning Doves, Eastern Towhees, Chipping and White-throated Sparrows, House Sparrows, and American Goldfinches.
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