False Solomon's Seal

Maianthemum racemosum


Other Names:
False Spikenard, Feathery False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Lily of the Valley, Solomon's Plume, Treacleberry, Deerberry

False Solomon's Seal is a widespread native plant found in every state except Hawaii, in most Canadian provinces, and in every county in Virginia. It used to be in the lily family, but it has been reclassified to be in the Asparagaceae family, a well-known member of which is the asparagus commonly sold in grocery stores. The Latin name for this vegetable was asparagus, but people in the 17th century began to call it "sparrowgrass". Eventually, the Latin name once again became the generally accepted term.

Identification Tools

Illinois Wildflowers Friends of the Wildflower Garden Go Botany Missouri Botanical Garden


North America Virginia

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal in bud

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal flower buds

False Solomon's Seal
Patch of False Solomon's Seal in bloom

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal flower spike

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal in bloom

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal with berries

False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal with berries

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