Turk's-cap Lily
Lilium superbum
Other Names:
Swamp Lily, Turban Lily, Lily Royal, American Tiger Lily
Turk's-cap Lily is a native plant found through most of Virginia. Its name comes from the supposed resemblance of the flower petals to a cap worn by Turkish people. The flowers can range in color from yellow to orange to a flame-colored reddish-orange. The seeds need cross-pollination to be fertilized, and the flowers attract hummingbirds and a lot of large insects, such as long-tongued bees and sphinx and hummingbird moths. They also attracts some of the larger butterflies, such as Monarchs, Spicebush Swallowtails, and greater fritillaries. Small rodents eat the bulbs, and small herbivores eat the immature plants. Cats can die if they ingest Turk's-cap Lilies. Lilies are thought to be symbols of affection for loved ones, and orange lilies are thought to symbolize happiness and warmth. Lilies are also commonly used at funerals as a symbol of the soul of the deceased.
Identification Tools
Missouri Botanical Garden
Illinois Wildflowers
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