Japanese Wineberry
Rubus phoenicolasius
Other Names:
Wine Raspberry, Wineberry, Dewberry
Japanese Wineberry is an invasive plant native to Japan, China, and Korea. It is in the rose family and has stems with both hairs and thorns. It was introduced to the United States in the 1890s by people breeding raspberries, which are in the same genus. Japanese Wineberry can form dense, impenetrable thickets. It is more aggressive than many of the native raspberry and blackberry species, and it has a wider range of tolerance for light, soil type and moisture.
Identification Tools
Go Botany
Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States
New York Invasive Species Information

Japanese Wineberry leaves and stems with distinctive red bristles

Japanese Wineberry leaves and stems

Japanese Wineberry leaves and stems

Japanese Wineberry leaves, stems, and flower buds - the buds have red bristles also
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