White Ash
Fraxinus americana
The White Ash is a common native deciduous tree found through most of Virginia. The name comes from the light underside to the leaves. There are an estimated 8 billion ash trees in North America. Most of them are either White Ash or Green Ash, but the two species are difficult to tell apart. Both species have been severely affected by the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive beetle from Asia. Since its accidental introduction into the United States and Canada in the 1990s, and its subsequent detection in 2002, the EAB has killed at least 50 million ash trees and threatens to kill most of the ash trees in America. An infested tree can be recognized by premature fall color and leaf aging observed on affected branches between August and the end of September. Many ash trees in both Northern Virginia and the District of Columbia have already been infected and cut down. The EAB rapidly kills the White Ash, but usually only after Green and Black Ash trees have been eliminated.
Identification Tools
White Ash identification
Missouri Botanical Garden
VA Tech Dendrology
General Ash identification
Michigan State University
Vanderbilt University Arboretum

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