Azalea cultivars

genus Rhododendron


Azaleas are one of the only cultivated plants mentioned on MPNature. They are included, because they are difficult to overlook when in bloom, and they sometimes are referred to as a location where someone spotted a bird (such as on "Azalea Way" on the knoll). There are many azalea cultivars, and this page refers to azaleas as a group. Non-native species of azaleas were brought to the United States in the 1800s as ornamental plants, and they add beautiful color to people's gardens. They play an important part in Asian cultures, and numerous American cities have annual azalea festivals. During the spring, many people visit the National Arboretum in Washington, DC, to enjoy the azaleas.

Identification Tools

Azalea Society of America Today's Homeowner Wikipedia The American Rhododendron Society

Azalea cultivars
Multiple Azalea plants in bloom - Photo by William Young

Azalea cultivars
Azalea flowers close up

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