Staghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina
Staghorn Sumac is a native shrub found in parts of Virginia. The fruits are eaten by many species of birds, but generally only if other food is scarce. Bees, wasps, and flies visit the flowers, and the foliage is eaten by various moth and butterfly larvae. The foliage turns bright red in the autumn. Staghorn Sumac is not closely related to Poison Sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), which is in the same genus as Poison Ivy and Poison Oak.
Identification Tools
Illinois Wildflowers
Friends of the Wildflower Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden

Staghorn Sumac Tree

Staghorn Sumac Tree

Staghorn Sumac flowers

Staghorn Sumac berries

Staghorn Sumac berries

Staghorn Sumac leaves

Staghorn Sumac leaves turn brilliant reds in the fall
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