White Mulberry
Morus alba
White Mulberry is a non-native invasive tree found through most of Virginia and the rest of North America. It is very similar to the native Red Mulberry, to which it can transmit a root disease. White Mulberry is a small to medium-sized species, reaching a maximum height of about 65 feet. The tree can release pollen at about 350 miles per hour (half the speed of sound), which is the fastest known movement in the plant kingdom. It is native to Asia and was introduced to North America in colonial times as a food source for silkworms, because White Mulberry leaves are their preferred food. One possible interpretation of the nursery rhyme "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" is that it reflects the problems the British had in trying to copy the success of the Chinese in producing silk.
Identification Tools
NC State Extension
Missouri Botanical Garden
Go Botany
Invasive Plant Atlas

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