Trumpet Creeper

Campsis radicans


Other Names:
Trumpet Vine, Hummingbird Vine, Cow Itch Vine, Cow Vine, Foxglove Vine, Hellvine, Devil's Shoestring

Trumpet Creeper is a native vine that is common in much of Virginia. It was popular among some of the early colonists in the state and was imported by England during the 1600s. Its flowers are succeeded by large seed pods which dry and split as they mature, releasing hundreds of brown, paper-like seeds. Numerous bird species are attracted to it, and hummingbirds and orioles are attracted to the nectar in the flowers. The flowers and foliage also attract sphinx moths, bumblebees, honeybees, ants, flies, beetles, and a variety of caterpillars. Trumpet Creeper grows quickly and can attach to fences, walls, and other objects. Its roots can damage brick, stone, and wood.

Identification Tools

Illinois Wildflowers NC State Extension Go Botany


North America Virginia

Trumpet Creeper
Mass of Trumpet Creeper vines

Trumpet Creeper
Trumpet Creeper leaves and flowers

Trumpet Creeper
Trumpet Creeper flowers and a seedpod

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