Wild Yam
Dioscorea villosa
Other Name:
Wild Sweet Potato
Wild Yam is a common native climbing vine that grows in most of Virginia. It can thrive in many types of habitats, including degraded ones. The scientific species name of villosa means "hairy", because the underside of the heart-shaped leaves are hairy. Many vegetables labeled as "yams" in supermarkets are actually sweet potatoes, even though the two are not closely related. Likewise, sweet potatoes are not closely related to white potatoes. Wild Yam does not produce edible tubers, but it has been widely used in traditional medicines for a variety of ailments.
Identification Tools
Illinois Wildflowers
Friends of the Wildflower Garden
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New Wild Yam plants, recently emerged from the soil

New Wild Yam plants -- the number of leaves in the leaf rings varies

Wild Yam leaf ring

A slightly older Wild Yam, showing growth form

New Wild Yam leaf

Older Wild Yam leaf

Older Wild Yam leaves

Wild Yam with flower clusters

Wild Yam flower clusters

Wild Yam flower clusters

Wild Yam flower clusters and flowers

Wild Yam flowers

Wild Yam flowers
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